Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Agile: About continuous learning and how we can plan to learn

Plan to Learn is important concept and competency in Agile/SCRUM.
Management strives to foster team learning in different ways. If the scrum team behaves as whole team, if the scrum team is self-organized- this is when scrum master becomes happy and satisfied. Hold on! There are always scope of learning and improvement. The team is already performing, product owner is happy. Then why team needs improvement? Striving and achieving for knowledge improvement is again incremental and iterative process like SCRUM itself.

I must quote Mike Cohn’s remarks here. He discussed how to ensure learning conditions exist in the team.
In the proactive pursuit of team learning as a goal of the project, there are five conditions that are necessary for team learning to occur:
1.        Teams must be designed for learning.
2.        Individuals must have concrete ways of sharing knowledge.
3.        Leaders must reinforce the importance of learning.
4.        Teams need to be presented with motivating challenges.
5.        A supportive leaning environment must exist.

I believe these are the soft skills the leaders can cultivate in the team. Scrum team along with leaders can grow together as a “whole team”.

If the scrum environment is open and management foster team learning, there are built-in meetings in scrum that help to learn. Retrospective is one of them.

What is retrospective? Yes, you are right. The parent of English word retrospective is Latin word retrospectare. This means “Look back”. Why do we look back? We look back with the intention to improve. This is team improvement. The retrospective meeting is held by the whole team - Scrum Master, Product owner, scrum team. 

Who is facilitator? Scrum Master. Scrum master can maintain retrospective log. This is useful to validate the action items with next sprint’s events or actions. 

When does the meeting happen? Ideally it should happen at the end of each sprint, when team’s memory is fresh. If the sprint length is two weeks, retrospective normally happen at the end of the sprint, which is after sprint demo.

Ground rules to have successful retrospective? Leaders may wish to lay ground rules like:
1.        The team members need to give honest comments on what went well in the last sprint, what did not go well.
2.        Agile/SCRUM preaches to keep retrospective meeting short, simple and fresh. We followed Thinking Hat method to make the meeting interesting. We used two kinds (colors) of sticky notes - Yellow hat and Black hat. Yellow hat represents optimistic items - what went well. Black hat- what went wrong?
3.        Leaders should emphasize the learning aspect of retrospective, creating open environment. He is refrained from pin-pointing a team member who did not perform well and as a result velocity might not meet expectation.
4.        Promote active participation.
5.        Steal ideas from other scrum teams.
6.        Few steps/activities during retrospective meeting:
a.        Gather data,
b.        Analyze data
c.        Root cause analysis
d.        Generate insight
e.        Take decisions and
f.         Generate improvement plan if any.
The improvement plan and the lessons learnt are to be applied from immediate next sprint/iteration. For example, if there were significant impediments identified in the middle of last sprint and the team mitigated the risk of derailment of sprint schedule, should become a hot topic in the retrospective. 

Retrospective is different from project post mortem by nature. A project post-mortem is a process, usually performed at the conclusion of a project. This is to determine and analyze elements of the project that were successful or unsuccessful. Post-portem is performed when project is in closing phase, meaning there is no scope of implementation of lessons learned in the current project.

Learn through User Stories:
User stories can be defined as Agile requirement that indicates who will benefit, what we’re trying to accomplish, and clear acceptance criteria. Scrum team can learn about the product/service they are working on if they are thorough with each user story.
Having said this, user stories are different from well-formed requirement documents we create and baseline in waterfall model. Let me explain this below:
Initially, when the product is conceptualized, we have only high-level feature descriptions. This might be called “Epic”. Epic can give general shape of a product, but with missing specifics about functionality. Each feature is progressively elaborated as the project progresses.
Why progressively refine requirements?
·          Requirements will change due to priorities change over time.
·          Deliver as much as feature what is asked from scrum team, to give an early visibility of the product to the product owner/customer.
-          It helps us avoid falling into the trap of believing plan - While working in Waterfall model for quite sometime now, I have been creating test plan, reviewing test plan and baseline test plan. I do these series of activities when requirements for a project are said to be baseline. When I am happy considering my test plan is well-documented and is accepted by key stakeholders, I come to know there are quite a few CRs coming on the way and they have test impact. I have no other choice but to re-work on the plan including schedule. 
      Progressively refining a plan emphasizes the idea that even the best plan is subject to change.
User stories are derived from Epic-level user stories. Epic is divided into lower level deliverable user stories, forming product backlog. So backlog is desired functionality not present in the product. It is maintained by the product owner and can be shared with whole team. In contrast with traditional requirement documents, product backlog is dynamic in nature. Stories are added, removed, reprioritized each sprint as more learned about the product. Fix of a defect can become a user story in the next sprint or in current sprint if capacity allows.

User stories along with the simple steps are written on a HTML file or WORD file, for the developers to code. These are maintained in software tools.
One interesting fact is name of the user stories are often written on sticky notes and arranged on walls or tables to facilitate planning and discussions. Stories are arranged like: “Not started”. “WIP (Work in Progress)”, “Completed” in the story wall. Don’t you think if you are practicing agile/scrum, you are working in a vibrant ambiance?

Stories typically follow a simple template:
As a (type of user), I want (goal) so that (some reason).

Gaining acceptance on user stories:
Definition of “Done” – Team’s agreement on criteria to determine whether a story is complete
Definition of “Done Done” – Product owner’s acceptance on functionality required to confirm successful completion of a user story.

I have heard an objection while training the team on agile – “We are back-end software developers. We work on database. Why do we have to create user stories?”
Yes. Back-end software developers also have to create and follow user story if they are following agile. We should remember user stories are small chunk of functionality a team can produce in one iteration/sprint.

I have plan to further add some more topics under "Plan to learn" section:
1. Pair Programming
2. Simple design
3. Evolutionary design
4. Spiking
5. Refactoring
6. Team-based estimation  

Coming up next .....till then Happy Reading! 

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